Ask yourself – could the dissenting opinion be right? 自问–分歧意见有没有可能是正确的?
Let me also add a dissenting opinion on the crosscabrio. 最后请允许我也给这款车提点不同的意见。
Listen to and fully understand the point of view of the person expressing a dissenting opinion, especially if that person is the sole voice in the room. 聆听并充分理解异见者的想法,特别是如果他/她是屋子里唯一的反对声音。
A great and simple test is whether you can argue both the majority and dissenting opinion well – irrespective of which one you hold. 简单而行之有效的检测方法是不管你本人持有的是多数意见还是少数意见,看看自己能不能同样有理有据地捍卫这两种不同的意见。
REHNQUIST, J., filed a dissenting opinion, post, p.211. 伦奎斯特大法官呈递了另一份反对意见(见211页。)
Surrender documents are the only legal contracts in America An arbitrator who has a dissenting opinion may sign or not sign his name on the arbitral award. 弃权文书是美国可由未成年人签署的持有不同意见的仲裁员可以在裁决书上署名,也可以不署名。
An arbitrator who has a dissenting opinion may sign or not sign his name on the arbitral award. 持有不同意见的仲裁员可以在裁决书上署名,也可以不署名。
By writing a dissenting opinion, the judge hopes to guide future cases toward the result that judge wants. 通过撰写异议,法官希望引导将来的案例走向法官期望的结果。
A director who can prove that he expressed a dissenting opinion during the vote and whose negative vote is recorded in the minutes of the board meeting may be exempted from liability. 对经证明在表决时曾表明异议并记载于会议记录的投反对票的董事,可以免除责任;
They decided to hand down a dissenting opinion. 他们决定提出异议。
If anyone wished to reject a proposal, he made his dissenting opinion known verbally, or briefly in writing. 如果有人想拒绝的提议,他提出了反对意见已知口头,或简单地以书面形式提出。
There are no studies and the painting is undated and unsigned. An arbitrator who has a dissenting opinion may sign or not sign his name on the arbitral award. 没有试画,画上没有署明日期,也没有署名字。持有不同意见的仲裁员可以在裁决书上署名,也可以不署名。
S21 However, there was some dissenting opinion, soon to be maligned or forgotten. 然而,当时曾有一些很快就被诽谤或者遗忘的不同意见。
Dissenting ( especially dissenting with the majority opinion). 意见不合(特别是与大多数人同意的观点不合)。
Any dissenting opinion shall accompany the majority decision. 任何的异议应附随多数决议。
At present, dissenting opinion loses its due place in the process of making court verdicts. 目前,在法院审判案件过程中,反对意见缺乏应有的舞台。
The Dissenting-Opinion System in the Supreme Court of Japan 日本最高法院的少数意见制
Adjudication is free appreciation of judges, it is the concentrated expression of the meaning that dissenting opinion was published in the criminal jurisdiction. 裁判是法官行使自由裁量权的行为,在刑事裁判中发表反对意见正是这种意思表示的集中体现。